Sunday, March 11, 2007

Welcome to The Common School

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Common School, an Education and Education Policy Blog. Despite that fancy label, this blog is mostly a place for me to think out loud about issues in education policy and hopefully to get input from those who find my thoughts interesting and want to dialogue with me.

My approach is non-ideological, heterodox, and irreverent. I am persuaded both by evidence and argument and am not afraid to change my mind if the weight of either is against my position. In particular I am interested in examining the logically validity of the arguments that float around in education policy as opposed to just the plausibility of the premises that go into those arguments; while empirical backing is crucial for good arguments, a mountain of data that doesn't really support the proposition under consideration is nothing more than irrelevant information. In addition to demanding that arguments make sense, I care rather deeply about the interplay between policy. politics and implementation; good ideas that can never be put into practice are not really good ideas at all. And this blog is all about developing and refining good ideas.

A final note: though I do work in education policy, none of the content contained herein is representative of the views of any organization or individual other than myself. If you're wondering who I am, the simple answer is that I am an education nobody. Just imagine me as young guy working in the mailroom of some D.C. organization, being a fly on the wall and sneaking away to read the latest copy of EdWeek when I get a chance.

I hope you enjoy my musings and I hope to hear from you.



Instructivist said...

I look forward to your posts.

It would be nice if you could change the color scheme. A black background freaks me out.

dorian said...

yeah i agree.

Dewey said...

I can see what you're saying. I picked black background with white letters because it reminded me of a chalk board so it fit with the whole school theme. But it seems like it might be a bit hard on the eyes so perhaps I'll change it in a while.

CrypticLife said...

I actually kind of like the color scheme. Bright white tends to hurt my eyes more. If you do change it, go for something soothing overall, please?